Unit: Responsible Citizenship in our Classroom and Community Grade: 2 Subject Area: Social Studies – Civics and Government Lesson 1: Are You a Good Citizen? I. Standard: What is the district’s curriculum/grade-level guideline(s). 2-C5.0.1 Identify ways citizens participate in community decisions.
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Preview and Download !Research the process of becoming a citizen of the United States. Volunteer to help a local group that offers classes for those preparing to become citizens. Attend a citizenship ceremony. 2. Interview a person in your community who became a citizen of the United States. Be sure to ask about the following: • Why did the person become a citizen?
https://url.theworksheets.com/2e0f169 Downloads
Preview and Download !★make good judgments, ★show respect to others, ★show courage in standing up for beliefs, ★have a strong sense of responsibility, ★are good citizens who are concerned for their community, and ★maintain self-respect. Compassion Compassion, or empathy, means identifying with and being concerned about other people’s feelings and needs.
https://url.theworksheets.com/17wt63 Downloads
Preview and Download !Now find your score to see how good you are at being a digital citizen! 1. a. 2 b. 0 Always ask before sharing other peoples photos, videos or information! 2. a. 2 b. 0 Never say mean things online. They can hurt people just like in real life! 3. a. 0 b. 2 Always use your own words and check more than one website for information. 4. a.
https://url.theworksheets.com/2dc698 Downloads
Preview and Download !Students will discuss with a partner the characteristics of a good citizen. The class will then have a grand discussion about what it means to be a good citizen. The teacher will create a trail mix made up of foods that represent the characteristics of a good citizen.
https://url.theworksheets.com/227171 Downloads
Preview and Download !unit students learn the qualities of a good citizen. Through examples from literature, history, and daily life, students learn what it means to be a good citizen. They can then apply these good citizen traits such as respect, honesty, kindness, self-discipline, responsibility, and fairness to their role as citizens of a school. At the end of ...
https://url.theworksheets.com/2e0d88 Downloads
Preview and Download !of a good campus citizen. Use a read aloud from Appendix A to reinforce the idea of being a citizen of the classroom. Teacher should have students set-up their Integrated Social Studies Notebook for use during the year. Focus: Good Citizenship Characteristics Brainstorm positive traits shown by a good citizen. Use chart paper
https://url.theworksheets.com/2e0e111 Downloads
Preview and Download !Create a “Wanted! Good Citizens” poster illustrating a good citizen(s). Use at least 3 of the characteristics of good citizenship and cite examples of historic and/or contemporary figures actively practicing good citizenship. Explain to a classmate how the person exhibited good citizenship.
https://url.theworksheets.com/6o5e83 Downloads
Preview and Download !- Social Studies 3.2.5 Explain the importance of being a good citizen of the state and the nation. Identify people in the state who exhibit the characteristics of good citizenship. Performance Objectives: - Given a scenario, each group of students will deter mine what a good citizen would do in that scenario and be able to justify their answer.
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Preview and Download !Kindergarten - Unit Five – Becoming a Good American Elaborated Unit Focus The historical content in this unit revolves around the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday, and his work to ensure the fair treatment of all people. Students will learn about positive character traits exhibited by good citizens, and practice using these traits themselves.
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